03 May 2011

Bill Cunningham New York...I cried.

Bill Cunningham New York has finally come to Montréal.  Mark and I saw the film last night and it was absolutely inspirational.  To my surprise, it was showing at a tiny theater (Cinema Du Parc) and very few people were in attendance. This film should be projected on a big wall somewhere in the city...for everyone to see.  I am not going to summarize the film, watch the trailer here and check out your local theaters. 

New York has a magical way of fostering ardent artistry.  Merci beaucoup, Bill Cunningham. Thank You New York! Thank you Richard Press and Crew + Zeitgeist Films!

He is a living Don Quixote; his bicycle, his Rocinante.  His understated blue coat, his armor.

Image Credits: Images in color borrowed from the film's official site. B/W photos: (left) borrowed from here. (right) borrowed from here.  Newspaper:  Bill’s first spread for The New York Times, December 30, 1978. (Borrowed from the film's official site).

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