21 March 2012

KINFOLK...a group of people related by blood.

I'm completely enamored with the recently launched (July 2011) quarterly magazine, KINFOLKI haven't been able to get my hands on a copy of their first two issues, the local magazines stands don't carry it, but I've been exploring its website nonstop. It fosters a collaborative editorial team which creates beautiful narrative videos and photographs of everyday life that are just enviable. Check out their recent video below from their Dinner Series, location: Brooklyn, NY.  Kinfolk team, please come to Montreal!

Side Note: I swear, I'm strongly considering opening a "curated magazine stand" here in Montreal because there are so many international magazines that I just cannot get my hands on.  And the magazine shop keepers here don't seem to care.  I've tried requesting various periodicals but so far, they have not been very forthcoming...hmmm...

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